A downloadable game

Jellyball is a physics-driven platformer where you control a slime that can jump, crawl on walls and ceilings and slide through tiny gaps. I aim to make a game that showcases the full potential of a physics-driven platformer. The game has been in development for far too long, so I've put together some of my favorite levels in a short demo.

Consider the art in this demo placeholder. Future plans for this game include an in-game level editor, and of course sound art and music.

JellyBall takes heavy inspiration from GISH; I felt it was time someone pushed that concept much farther. Stay tuned for cool new game mechanics like wind, lava and friggin' laser beams.

Invite all your friends to the Loneship Games Discord server: https://discord.gg/kXNrcRy
Join our Mailing List for e-mail updates: JellyBallGame.com

or follow the Twitter: @ConnorsMcH


Sept. 2020 JellyBall SAGExpo Demo 3 MB

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